Today's Script (Mar. 31, 2017)

Good morning, everyone! Did you have a good night's sleep? Today is March 31, that's right, a quarter of 2017 is about to go by. Time really flies, huh? The sky is overcast and it looks kind o…


Good Morning! (Mar. 31, 2017)

Listen to my good morning message and weather forecast in English! GMMar31-2017.mp3 If you like the audio file, please click the banners below! 皆様のサポートこそがブログ更新の原動力です! 語学 ブログランキングへ にほんブログ村


Today's Script (Mar. 30, 2017)

Good morning, everyone! How do you feel this morning? The view from the window is identical to what I saw yesterday morning. The sun is shining brightly in the blue sky with no clouds here in t…


Good Morning! (Mar. 30, 2017)

Listen to my good morning message and weather forecast in English! GMMar30-2017.mp3 If you like the audio file, please click the banners below! 皆様のサポートこそがブログ更新の原動力です! 語学 ブログランキングへ にほんブログ村


Pronunciation Boot Camp!(発音道場!) 76-80

発音道場へようこそ!毎回皆さんにとって発音し辛いであろう英単語 を選び、発音できるかどうかをお試しいただきます。綴りから音が予想 し難いものもあれば、口と舌の滑らかさを要するものもありますよ! まずはご自分で口を動かし、その後で音声ファイルをチェックして、 正しく発音できなかった部分を練習してみましょう! Give it a try! (注・全て米語発音で吹き込まれています。) …


Today's Script (Mar. 29, 2017)

Good morning, everyone! Did you have a good night's sleep? The view from the window leaves nothing to be desired this morning. The sun is shining brightly in the blue sky with no clouds here in …


Good Morning! (Mar. 29, 2017)

Listen to my good morning message and weather forecast in English! GMMar29-2017.mp3 If you like the audio file, please click the banners below! 皆様のサポートこそがブログ更新の原動力です! 語学 ブログランキングへ にほんブログ村


Arithmetic in English!(英語で算数!)(39)

英語で加減乗除と文章題に挑戦! Give it your best shot! Arithmetic39.mp3 You see the scripts below! 39) 1)10,000÷8=1,250 2)19+42+27+13=101 3)10-8+16-11-9=-2 4)3/4×24=18 …


Today's Script (Mar. 28, 2017)

Good morning, everyone! How do you feel this morning? Most of the sky is covered with thin clouds and the sun is hiding behind them, but the bright sunlight is reaching here in the Kanto region.…


Good Morning! (Mar. 28, 2017)

Listen to my good morning message and weather forecast in English! GMMar28-2017.mp3 If you like the audio file, please click the banners below! 皆様のサポートこそがブログ更新の原動力です! 語学 ブログランキングへ にほんブログ村
